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Our company provides statistical data on CIS countries (including countries of the Customs Union) and the world:


Customs data in a full scope format of declaration on the participants of foreign trade activities in CIS countries and the world.

  • Statistics of production
  • Data on railway cargo transportation
  • Financial and economic monitoring of enterprises
  • Database of enterprises generates on industrial branches and logistic types.

Select the country from the list above and see the catalog of available services.

More about our services:


Foreign trade statistics, Customs data of Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and any other countries. Available the full scope format of cargo customs negotiable sheets.

You may inquire a sample from the customs database of foreign economic activity data of Russia, Ukraine and other countries on several HS codes, the format of provided data (short / full) is upon your request. Select the country in the top of menu, then indicate the service for customs statistics and you will see the possible formats of the customs database in specific examples. The database of foreign economic activity will allow you to have information about the direct competitors, the appearance of new players in the market, as well as to see the general price dynamics. Customs data is updated monthly.

We have customs data from 1996 – to the current date, as well the statistics of the customs union for the analysis of foreign trade between Kazakhstan and Russia, Kazakhstan and the republic Belarus.

To find the cost of customs data query, just inform us about your criteria for the request, We will promptly respond to You.


  • Russian customs data. (Statistics of foreign economic activity)

Russian customs database contains the main fields (download sample) including negotiable sheets of the GTE / complete description of the goods with contact information.


  • Customs database of Ukraine

The customs database of Ukraine contains the main fields with a standard description of the goods up to 256 characters, with contact details of Ukrainian enterprises. The statistics of Ukraine provided in three formats on our website. Statistics of foreign economic activity of Ukraine are updated monthly/weekly. Find out more.


Russian Railway database. Statistic information on the transportation of goods by railway in the form of railroad waybill.

You will be informed about the freight traffic of competitors, the main suppliers and recipients, the owners of the rolling stock and tenants, set their coordinates,   calculate the volumes of supplies and lot of other information related to the railway cargo transportation.

To gain full information about the cargo flows on the railways of Russia or Ukraine is possible according to the following samples: On the cargoes, regions, senders, recipients, railways, departure and receiving stations, type of rolling stock.


Appraisal of financial activity of the enterprise.

Deal only with trusted organizations! The analysis includes following reports: extract the uniform state register, company structure, financial indicators and analytical report.


Statistics of production.

Data on the production of goods. Reports contains deep and reliable information about the amounts and rates of production of goods on the territory of Russia, Ukraine with the indication of manufacturing enterprises, the growth rates of production, production regions.  The data on production statistics gives an objective picture of the situation on the market of a particular product, provide an opportunity to see status of competitors, conduct marketing research, find potential suppliers.


All of provided data is based on primary sources. Anticipate market conditions with Us and receive a good news!

Attention! Reliability Of Information.

As a test of the completeness and accuracy, we do preliminary free verification of the requested information, by sending the customer all of its operations on the specified type of statistics.